Guarantee perfection with our linguistic sign-off services

Have you ever reviewed a translated document that does not meet expectations?

Increased word count after translation can affect the formatting of a previously well-put-together brochure, presentation, poster, or leaflet. Linguistic sign-off is a service that acts as a final quality assurance step, ensuring that the translation fits perfectly into the final version of the file.

We work with

Linguistic Sign Off Illustration

What is linguistic sign-off and does my business require it?

Linguistic sign-off (LSO) is part of the translation process. After the translation, proofreading, editing, and quality assurance steps have been completed, LSO might be a necessary step. Manipulation by a file engineer or designer/typesetter will ensure text and formatting appear identical to the original document

Any bugs or issues found during LSO are fixed, re-checked and tested. LSO ensures any software-related issues which can arise when handling different languages are identified and fixed before final delivery. This ensures all content delivered is final and ready to use.

LSO is perfect for businesses looking for consistency across all of their translated documents, whatever the format. Contact one of our project managers to discover how LSO can benefit your business.

Features and benefits

Global Lingo employee working

Linguistic sign-off for screens

For websites and software: Once translated content or strings are re-imported into the website or software, our native linguists will test the web pages or software, ensuring buttons function as expected, translated text fits within the interface, all script and accents display correctly and are not corrupted, and all text has been translated as required.

Global Lingo employee working

Linguistic sign-off for print

For brochures, leaflets, posters and heavily formatted presentations: During LSO, a native linguist will assess every page of the document, checking that all text displays correctly and is not corrupted, is not hidden under images/running outside of borders, and that words are not incorrectly cut. Any issues are re-checked, re-set, and corrected.

Global Lingo employee working

Linguistic sign-off for eLearning

For eLearning courses: Once all translated content is reintegrated and the course is rebuilt, the LSO involves a native linguist working through the course as a learner would. They check functionality, that all text requiring translation has been captured, that audio and/or subtitles are correctly synced, and more.

Browse our languages

Below is a selection of the languages we translate. Please contact us for a personalized consultation if the language you require is not listed below. Our dedicated team can source specialist translators for any language.

Browse all languages
