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At Global Lingo, we’re proud to deliver exclusive industry insights with our regular reports covering how language services are developing in each sector. Download our reports for free, and discover the latest updates and research across the industries we work with.

International business communication report
August 2022
The Global Lingo “Getting Down to Business” report provides an overview of three main areas:
- The Future Lingua Franca is “not” English
- How Business Communication Goes Beyond Language
- How LSPs Enhance Business Communication
Language services for market research report
August 2021
The Global Lingo 2021 “Market Research Language Services” report provides an overview of five main areas:
How COVID-19 has affected the Market Research Industry
The Shift to the Digital Landscape
How to Compete Successfully in the Global Marketplace
Market Research for International Expansion
How Language Services Supports (and Enhances) Market Research

Voice-over and subtitling for eLearning report
May 2021
The Increasing Trend Toward eLearning
Well before the onset of the latest pandemic, there has been an increasing trend in eLearning investment. Why? Well, for starters, online learning requires on average 40% to 60% less time to complete than traditional classroom learning. It is also generally less expensive and requires less complex logistics. There is no need, for instance, to organise the travel and accommodations for instructors, no need to rent space, and no need to ensure all learners are available at the same location and at the same time.
The sudden shift to eConferencing
December 2020
As the World Shifts to eConferencing Platforms, eConference Interpreting takes Centerstage
In today’s business world, interpreting services have become quite commonplace, especially for international markets. As we become increasingly more global, interpreting services allow clients, partners, and end users to communicate on a level playing field.
While the majority of interpreting services have traditionally been offered onsite, the onset of the new coronavirus 2019 has increased the need for remote interpreting which is now on the rise.