Learning & Development

Multilingual training toolkit: 10 Tips for effective L&D

In the current globalised business landscape, multilingual training has evolved from being a ‘good-to-have’ to a ‘must-have’ strategy. It not only bridges the communication gap between management and workers, but it also fosters an environment of inclusivity and mutual respect.   

The significance of multilingual training 

A survey by Rosetta Stone and Forbes Insights indicates that over half of executives reported linguistic barriers between workers and senior management, leading to inefficiencies and reduced productivity. In times of crisis, these barriers can even contribute to safety concerns, with language issues reportedly contributing to 25% of workplace injuries. 

Multilingual training is a robust solution that directly addresses issues arising from linguistic barriers. By embracing diverse languages, it ensures no employee is left behind due to language limitations. The result? A more collaborative and productive workforce.  

Beyond productivity, this approach plays a crucial role in maintaining safety. We find ourselves in an era where adherence to safety protocols is of paramount importance. Multilingual training ensures every employee, irrespective of their language, fully understands and abides by these essential guidelines.  

The role of translation and training companies 

Language service providers (LSPs) are the catalysts in the successful implementation of multilingual training. Their nuanced understanding of varied industries, markets, and languages allows them to go beyond mere translation and provide customised solutions that echo your organisation’s unique needs.  

From remote seminars and webinars to extensive online courses, some LSPs offer a range of services able to support whatever the format of your training. With an emphasis on continual improvement, they help to foster a cohesive, diverse, and efficient work environment, irrespective of the market in which an organisation operates. 

10 Tips for effective multilingual training 

Implementing an effective multilingual training program can be a complex task, but with the right approach, the benefits are significant. Here are 10 practical tips: 

1: Evaluate your Workforce’s Language Skills

Begin by comprehensively assessing your employees’ language capabilities. Include functional areas like reading, speaking, listening, and writing, and cover all languages spoken within your organisation. 

2: Incorporate Cultural Sensitivity in Training Delivery

To create an inclusive learning environment, the training sessions must respect and celebrate the diversity of your workforce. Ask trainees about their cultural and linguistic backgrounds and encourage them to share their unique experiences. 

3: Conduct Employee Surveys in Native Languages

Surveys that are designed in the native languages of your employees can promote candid feedback and full expression of ideas. This will help to identify and address any workplace issues effectively. 

4: Promote Cross-Cultural Engagement among Employees 

Multilingual training should not be solely for non-native speakers but should engage all employees. Encourage conversations about linguistic diversity and stimulate intercultural learning by sharing interesting facts about different languages and cultures. 

5: Utilise Professional Interpreters for In-house Training

Professional interpreters can be a valuable asset during live training sessions. Their expertise ensures accurate and nuanced communication of training content across language barriers. 

6: Employ Digital Platforms that Support Multiple Languages

Leverage translation technology to enable easy communication across languages through virtual meetings. Experiment with tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams, which offer features supporting simultaneous interpretation. Such tools can facilitate effective communication across diverse groups. 

7: Translate All Key Documents

Show your respect for linguistic diversity by translating all important training, safety, and human resources documents. This not only covers your liability but also demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity. 

8: Invest in Subtitling or Voice-over Video Materials

Subtitling & voice-over solutions, especially in training and safety videos, ensure that all employees, regardless of their linguistic backgrounds, understand the content. This investment can greatly contribute to workplace safety and knowledge retention. 

9: Encourage Managers to Improve their Language Skills

Multilingual training should not be limited to employees alone. Encourage managers to learn or improve their skills in the languages spoken by their team. This can improve communication, foster mutual respect, and enhance team productivity. 

10: Adopt a Visual and Interactive Training Approach

Visual demonstrations and role-plays can make multilingual training more engaging and effective. Even if the training is remote, strive to make it dynamic, rather than just a passive, rote learning experience. 

Key Takeaways 

To summarise, multilingual training plays a critical role in improving communication, fostering inclusivity, and enhancing productivity. Implementing such a program requires careful planning, a respectful approach towards cultural diversity, and effective use of available resources. 

Multilingual training is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. By enhancing communication and understanding, it improves productivity, safety, and overall company growth. 

It’s time to review your current Learning and Development strategies and consider the benefits of implementing multilingual training. The right language service provider can tailor to any company’s specific challenges and requirements. Ensuring an effective and comprehensive training program for all members of staff.  

Looking for translation services?

Our global translation services help companies distribute content to other audiences across the world. Whether this is information in documents, web content, product or marketing campaigns, or audio-visual media, our team of experienced, industry-qualified translators offers an exceptional level of service.

Did you know?

Global Lingo has one of the largest pool of linguists in the industry. Everyone is a native speaker in the language they are translating into, and we can translate into and from 150+ languages. So, whatever your project, whatever the language, Global Lingo can help.

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